
Dark Horse Wines

The Original Limited Release California Rosé Blend 2015

Pounding pink again #brosé — 9 years ago


"Odedi" Influencer Badge

Petite Sirah?
Chris Shott

Chris Shott

@"Odedi" Good eye - wrong wine. The post has been corrected. The imbiber regrets the error.


Rosé de Saignée 1er Cru Champagne Pinot Noir

Need a Champagne to go with steak? Here it is. Deep rich fruit, earth tones, bloody roses. Delicious. #saberit #champagne #brosé #saignéebitches — 9 years ago

Doug liked this

Union Wine Co.

Underwood Oregon Pinot Noir

Doug Burress

Birthday train rosé! A definite #brosé ! — 10 years ago

Gary, Justin and 2 others liked this
Gary Westby

Gary Westby Influencer Badge

Pink it up bro!
Sarah C

Sarah C

Woohoo #brosé !

Domaine Tempier

Bandol Rosé Blend 2015

Will Meinberg

Damn!!! This was good when it arrived, but it's awesome now. Great Thanksgiving wine. It really is one of the best rosés in the world. #brosé — 9 years ago

Chris, Roel and 6 others liked this

François Diligent

Brut Rosé Champagne

Anthony had this 9 years ago

Gary liked this
Gary Westby

Gary Westby Influencer Badge

I miss drink'n pink bubbles with you! Any Cali trips in the works?
Anthony Piazza

Anthony Piazza Influencer Badge

Yeah, miss my #brosé buddies, looks like the closest we'll come is willamette on nye. Champagne looked pretty epic via delectable!

Ariston Fils

Aspasie Brut Rose Champagne

Doug Burress

Keeping the #brosé birthday going with some one if the best rosé Champagnes around. This bottles is lively, fresh, and perfectly ready for this day! — 10 years ago

Cleora, Jim and 6 others liked this
Gary Westby

Gary Westby Influencer Badge

The new batch is good! Did you check the bottle shape change?
Anthony Piazza

Anthony Piazza Influencer Badge

Thanks Gary, hope to be sippin rose in the rain next weekend.
Gary Westby

Gary Westby Influencer Badge

@Anthony Piazza what is this rain that you speak of? Send some our way!