I find this wine to be very interesting given that it is an ancestral grape from the island of #Sicily (#Grillo) and a winery that I had never heard of before, but it’s quite high acid and crisper than I imagined. I wouldn’t recommend it as a sipper or first glass but much rather something to pair with something citric or sharp. — 4 years ago
A great #grillo #madeinsicily. good #wines that are not expensive! #goodwine #notexpensive #drinkwell #italianwines #sicilianwines #autochthon #grapes #roccadelleginestre #donnasilvana #sommelierlife #lovemyjob #onceuponawine — 9 years ago
#eatalywines #grillo #zibibbo — 4 years ago
Funky nose of lactic acid and lemon seeds. Palate was extremely bitter and sour. Grass, lemon pith/seeds, almond. Short and off-putting finish. #grillo #ctbucklinwine — 7 years ago
Todd Scurci
#grillo #jupiter — 9 months ago