Voluptuous nose with loads of chalky, brothy, seashelly minerality. Very ripe pear skin fruit. In the mouth it’s kind of flat. Not bad, but not what I drink Chablis for. I imagine hot, low acid vintages are going to be the rule, not the exception, in the future.
Voluptuous nose with loads of chalky, brothy, seashelly minerality. Very ripe pear skin fruit. In the mouth it’s kind of flat. Not bad, but not what I drink Chablis for. I imagine hot, low acid vintages are going to be the rule, not the exception, in the future.
1 person found it helpfulDec 28th, 2018
A difficult vintage here but still Seb knows how to handle a warm vintage and did so again in 15 as he did in 11 and 13. Nose has spice, seashells, lemon, stanky minerals. Not much fruit. I like. Palate is fat, yet precise and elegant with lovely delineation. Clean and a wine to be consumed young.
A difficult vintage here but still Seb knows how to handle a warm vintage and did so again in 15 as he did in 11 and 13. Nose has spice, seashells, lemon, stanky minerals. Not much fruit. I like. Palate is fat, yet precise and elegant with lovely delineation. Clean and a wine to be consumed young.
1 person found it helpfulJul 19th, 2017
I know that this entire vintage has been deemed wanting but I really liked this wine. A really great bottle of wine. Superb balance. More central burgundy than Chablis in a sense. Minerality and acidity are there but they don't stick out. I think that this will age quite gracefully. But what do I know. Bought from Fass selections.
I know that this entire vintage has been deemed wanting but I really liked this wine. A really great bottle of wine. Superb balance. More central burgundy than Chablis in a sense. Minerality and acidity are there but they don't stick out. I think that this will age quite gracefully. But what do I know. Bought from Fass selections.
1 person found it helpfulDec 17th, 2016