Young, with wine poached pear, boysenberry toast, cherry blossom, pomegranate, blood orange rosemary and seared duck. Apples, tea and cinnamon scented. Chewy tannins and tea leaf textures, apple skin, decadent raspberry concentration, pomegranate juice over red currant reduction. Unstoppable fruit here with peppercorn dusting, coffee driving the density to a grainy finish of opulent cherry and chamomiles. Power Pinot.
#bourgognerouge #bourgogne #burgundy #pinotnoir #louisboillot #domainelouisboillotetfils #domainelouisboillot #chambollemusigny
Young, with wine poached pear, boysenberry toast, cherry blossom, pomegranate, blood orange rosemary and seared duck. Apples, tea and cinnamon scented. Chewy tannins and tea leaf textures, apple skin, decadent raspberry concentration, pomegranate juice over red currant reduction. Unstoppable fruit here with peppercorn dusting, coffee driving the density to a grainy finish of opulent cherry and chamomiles. Power Pinot.
#bourgognerouge #bourgogne #burgundy #pinotnoir #louisboillot #domainelouisboillotetfils #domainelouisboillot #chambollemusigny
Jan 6th, 2022