Lovely floral aromas arabesque, in roses and violets, heather, tulips, poppies, lavender and geraniums. Peppercorn clusters. Palate shows dusty grape that turns to dried blackberries, dried raspberry and marinate herbs, black currant and strangely: soap bubble. Meat and plum make an appearance, but the true key is the swings in tenor and complexity. Just exquisite.
#louisboillot #louisboillotetfils #chambollemusigny
#2019 #bourgognerouge #bourgogne #burgundy #pinotnoir #côtedor #appellationchambollemusignycontrôlée #redburgundy #frenchwine — 2 years ago
Midnight black with an espresso hood that fades to impenetrable darkness. Leaving trails of fallen stars for lacing, cueing fiery gas dragons of unctuous mirage. Black molasses and treacle coil about sticky cherry reductions, curled claws of darkest chocolate and shadowy espresso. Warm smoke of charred barrel pops from the gooey depths of this imposing cauldron. Alas the treat! Dark, pure chocolate with a spike of candied cherry turns bitter and evasive as it storms headlong into the ashes of the night on a broomstick of gnarled oak imperial; fire spitting cinders in its billowing wake. Black arts at play!
#gooseisland #bourboncounty #gooseislandbourboncounty #grandmoncheristout #bourbonbarrelaged #imperialstout #2019 #agedbeer #abv #gooseidlandbeerco #chicagobeer #ilbeer — 2 years ago
Gorgeous color of deep purple, without variation, earthy nose of mushroom-loam, grilled duck breast, black cherry both dried and ripe, crushed violets, brown sugar and brown bread. Round and supple mouthfeel of red cherry and bing cherry, shows ample cedar and cigar notes, oak and tart raspberry, cracked black pepper, rose petal and finally winds into a smoky graphite point that will undoubtedly blossom over the next decade.
#fontodi #aziendaagricolafontodi #estatebottled #flaccianellodellapieve #flacianello #collitoscanacentrale #supertuscan #igt #italianorosso #2019 — a year ago
Concentrated raspberry and red plum aromas with glints and hints of red currant, cranberry and ripe red cherry. Tarragon strong with allspice afters. Very juicy center of this tootsie pop exhibits a slightly less sweet cherry, a touch of black pepper, cedar and cinnamon framing dense plum and both dried and ripe raspberry, subdued blackberry and a racy finish of cola and roobios pumping the brakes repeatedly on this well engineered rocket.
#pinotnoir #seasmokesouthing #2019 #seasmokeestatevineyard #southing #santaritahills #singlevineyard #monopole #staritahills #cawine — 2 years ago
Chalky lemon and lime mineral nose, candied grapefruit rind, crystalline green apple, Bosc pear. Perfect balance in an adroit turn from tart citrus to tangy apple. Every facet shining. Lemon persists with a salinity that keeps giving. Sublime.
#domainemauriceshoech #alsacegrandcru #alsace #grandcru #riesling #furstentum #2019alsace #2019 — 2 years ago
Gorgeous garnet, star bright reflectivity. Rim to rim continuity. Cedar dusted black cherry and strawberry glow warmly in a vanilla and baked cran and ripe red currant dappling. There are red apple leanings and roobios-tulip whispers in a complex and seductive nose that stoops in bushes of thyme and all spice pods. Rich mouthfeel exhibits bits of its green youth, but has unveiled to reveal its abundance with a lengthy decant. Tart cherry and sweet tobacco, tart raspberry essence, dried violets and rose petal, dried strawberry and beet soaked thyme. Grossly underrepresented in this assessment, as the whole is like a wondrous river in a florid wood undulating with ripples of fallen blossoms. Astounding.
#chambollemusigny #DomaineFourrier #2019 #DomaineFourierChambolleMusigny1ercruLesGruenchers #lesGruenchers #viellesvigne #1ercru #1ercruChambolleMusigny
#1ercrulesgruenchers #AppellationCambolleMusigny1ercrucontrolée #burgundy #bourgogne #bourgognerouge #misenbouteille #redburgundywine — 3 years ago
Exquisite lemon-lime interlace couched in pith exemplifies the stated, but somehow simultaneously highlights a rounder, olive-floral, cherry and pear blossom otherness. Rich palate drives an olive and lemon oil union straight into an interesting baked lemon flattening with bright acid dichotomy. Incredible depth and infinite layers of stunning complexity. Needs many more years, but wow.
#batardmontrachet #montrechet #grandvindebourgogne #grandcru #bourgogneblanc #aoc #domainevincentetfrançoisjouard #côtedor #whiteburg #whiteburgundy #2019 — 2 years ago
Cherry blossom, lemon zest, whiff of powder, lime pith candied grapefruit nose. Lemon tart, lemon verbena and lemongrass emerge from warm lemon depths. Chalky and precise, this producer delivers a very pointed and yet complex offering evoking salivation and reverberating with cool herbaceous undertones.
#chassagnemontrachet #bourgogneblanc #whiteburgundy #2019 #gagnard #gagnarddelagrange #grandvindebourgogne #misenbouteilleálapropriéte #burg — 2 years ago
Living clove and dried allspice meet mint and sweet tobacco. Grill kebabs, with ginger and ginseng wafting. Spicy plum and juicy raspberry. Rich plum palate resonates with rhubarb and light cedar, blue spruce and tart cherry. Structured and layered, with enticing spicing. Red apple peel, tart blueberry and roobios cap the experience.
#vougeot #1ercruvougeot #domainefourrier #domainefourriervougeot #fourrier #domainefourrierlespetitsvougeot #lespetitesvougeot #1ercru #1ercrubourgogne #1ercruburgundy #2019 — 3 years ago
David Kline
Rose petal, black cherries dried and ripe, black plum and prune, earthy loam, blackberry violet and trumpet mushroom punctuate the bouquet. Sumptuous ripe raspberry with a meat-sweetness costs the palate seductively, settling on ripe cherry and raspberry with creative interplay of sweet tobacco and light spices. Glorious, gorgeous and variegated.
#carolineparent #carolineparentmoreysaintdenis #moreysaintdenis #msd4life #lesmontsluisants #moreysaintdenis1ercru #1ercrulesmontsluisants #2019 #bourgognerouge #burgundy #pinotnoir #appellationdorigineprotégée — a year ago