Young, but accessible. Gun flint nose is instantly seductive descending like smoke onto brioche and twists of impossibly minute lemon peel, lime and tangerine piths, underripe pineapple freshness, Marcona almond, toasted sesame, chalky chunks have absorbed the smoke, and fallen citrus celebrates its rebirth. Lemon pith that oozes lemon skin oils like dewdrop diamonds. Incredible minerality that crystallizes into spines of grapefruit, dandelion, dried gooseberry, and marigold. Shiny, bright, crystal clean, and revelatory. Amazing compilation of parts that remains suspended like a chandelier in ethereal weightlessness.
#françoiscarillon #françoiscarillon1611 #montrachet #chassagne #chassagnemontrachet #1ercru #1ercruchassagne #1ercrulesmacherelles #Appellationchassagnemontrachet1ercrucontrolèe #burgundy #bourgogne #whiteburgundy #bourgogneblanc #misenbouteille #elevéetmisenbouteille — 3 years ago
Lemon, leek, lime, sage, dried pineapple and tangerine pith, jasmine and caperberry nose. Racy lemon pith and oils are rounded just slightly by green olive whisper, rich white grapefruit, snap pea and lemongrass. Seductive and fast!
#françoiscarillon ##1ercru #1ercruclasse #chassagnemontrachet #montrachet #whiteburgundy #burgundy #bourgogneblanc #bourgogne #whiteburg — 4 years ago
Whiff of gunpowder and lemon oils, lime pith and grapefruit peel. Round lime and lemon verbena, after lemon oil and brioche, toasted sesame and chamomile. Stunner.
#2020 #paulpernot #paulpernotetsesfils #montrachet #pulignymontrachet #1erpulignymontrachet #1ercru #folatières #grandvin #grandvinsdebourgogne #whiteburgundy #bougogneblanc — 3 years ago
Gorgeous garnet, star bright reflectivity. Rim to rim continuity. Cedar dusted black cherry and strawberry glow warmly in a vanilla and baked cran and ripe red currant dappling. There are red apple leanings and roobios-tulip whispers in a complex and seductive nose that stoops in bushes of thyme and all spice pods. Rich mouthfeel exhibits bits of its green youth, but has unveiled to reveal its abundance with a lengthy decant. Tart cherry and sweet tobacco, tart raspberry essence, dried violets and rose petal, dried strawberry and beet soaked thyme. Grossly underrepresented in this assessment, as the whole is like a wondrous river in a florid wood undulating with ripples of fallen blossoms. Astounding.
#chambollemusigny #DomaineFourrier #2019 #DomaineFourierChambolleMusigny1ercruLesGruenchers #lesGruenchers #viellesvigne #1ercru #1ercruChambolleMusigny
#1ercrulesgruenchers #AppellationCambolleMusigny1ercrucontrolée #burgundy #bourgogne #bourgognerouge #misenbouteille #redburgundywine — 3 years ago
Red apple and red cherry meat with cranberry and raspberry and a pinch of smoky black salt tantalizing the nose. Tart raspberry dried violets, rose petal, red apple peel, blood orange. Tart and tangy, with a pointy end. .
#jeanninnaltet #mercurey #1ercru #domainejeanninnaltet #mercurey1ercru #closdesgrandsvoyens #monopole — 4 years ago
Nose of plummy, sirloin deliciousness; violets and lavender. Imminently drinkable with cranberry and raspberry giving way to tart cherry and a smoky streak throughout. Beautiful and impressive display of finesse with wiry sinew. Perfect silken complement to cedar plank steelhead trout. .
. #nicolaspotel #appellationaloxecorton1ercru
#aloxecortonlesveloxieres #aloxecorton #lesveloxieres #pemiercru #1ercru #bourgogne #bourgognerouge #pinotnoir #nuitssaintgeorges #cotedeor
# — 4 years ago
Pale golden straw. Immediate whiff of gunpowder wafts past lemon zest and warm juice undercoats; lemon verbena, living sage, chive, and colored pencil. Palatal silk evaporates to spongey pith of lime in a magically, porously, dry transformation shimmering with crystalline suggestions and smoky allusions.long and heartfelt reverberations beyond its last drops.
#aupieddumontchauve #aupieddumontchauvechassagnemontrachetleschenevottesblanc #leschenevottes #premiercruchassagnemontrachet #premiercru #bourgogneblanc #chassagnemontrachet #montrachet #1ercru #whiteburgundy #whiteburg — 3 years ago
White gold glints over chatelaine. Pineapple peers through a steely mask, jasmine and magnolia softly breathe through winter’s nostrils. Meyer lemon suggestions turn zest and pith on the palate; key lime invoked. Grapefruit veins of pith peel back slowly to reveal lightning streaks of complex citruses, and squash blossom stem.
#pierrequenard #chablis #vaillons #1ercru #premiercru #premiercruchablis #burgundy #whiteburgundy #bourgogneblanc #bougogne #chardonnay #frenchchardonnay #frenchwhitewine — 3 years ago
Ginkgo smash rot blows off to wildflower honey and brioche, tart pineapple, chamomile, yellow apple, ginger nose. Tart starfruit, lemon zest, lime pith, lemon-lime peel; wound a little tight. Lemongrass and a green onion element I expect to vanish. Ginseng and glittering lemon oil and racing pith for a long salivating finish. Opened rich and unctuous, but narrowed to focused acid blast.
#etiennesauzet #pulignymontrachet #etiennesauzetlatruffière #montrachet #1ercru #1ercrupuligny #bourgogne #bourgogneblanc #whiteburgundy #burgundy — 4 years ago
David Kline
Living clove and dried allspice meet mint and sweet tobacco. Grill kebabs, with ginger and ginseng wafting. Spicy plum and juicy raspberry. Rich plum palate resonates with rhubarb and light cedar, blue spruce and tart cherry. Structured and layered, with enticing spicing. Red apple peel, tart blueberry and roobios cap the experience.
#vougeot #1ercruvougeot #domainefourrier #domainefourriervougeot #fourrier #domainefourrierlespetitsvougeot #lespetitesvougeot #1ercru #1ercrubourgogne #1ercruburgundy #2019 — 3 years ago