Paulaner Brauerei
Hefe-Weissbier Naturtrüb Beer

Digestive night cap, one of my favorite white beers.
Digestive night cap, one of my favorite white beers.
Jul 17th, 2018
Stop massaging the knots out of my back, you’re annoying me
Stop massaging the knots out of my back, you’re annoying me
Dec 9th, 2019
Best German wheat beer, hands down. Flavorful if not delicious, don't Frank it up with an orange slice. Very drinkable warm or ice cold. A favorite.
Best German wheat beer, hands down. Flavorful if not delicious, don't Frank it up with an orange slice. Very drinkable warm or ice cold. A favorite.
Feb 13th, 2017PacoH. Segur de Calafell (Tarragona).
PacoH. Segur de Calafell (Tarragona).

Poured a shot of Galliano in it. Tastes like root beer now. Interesting. Pairs well with charred octopus
Poured a shot of Galliano in it. Tastes like root beer now. Interesting. Pairs well with charred octopus
May 5th, 2016