What makes this wine so special is the nose, the color, which blends to a wonderful apricot, cantaloupe, great acidity wine. And will not break the bank — 3 years ago
Probably a little young to realize the earthy notes i seek in a Bordeaux (actually all my wines) but this was a very tastful Tuesday night experience — 4 years ago
Every characteristic you want in NR Syrah is in this bottle. Subtle nose with outstanding BBQ notes on the palette. Soft, delicious. Looking for a local distributor — 2 years ago
When I saw the low price I was like no way for a 12 yr old Medoc. It was really, really good and paired well with the beef bourgonion. Slight tomato, earthy, undertones and silky smooth with good acidity. Would definitely order again! — 4 years ago
I don't know if its the long lockdown or the fact our governor had the hutzpah to open our state but this is drinking amazing. I can sit and nose this wine for hours. Wow — 4 years ago
Good acidity, soft with a little green apple. Great with a crab dip appetizer. Not a 10 but would buy again — 3 years ago
What a surprise, blind tasted this one and discovered a region i was unaware of. Heavily Oaked the subtle hints of Cabernet were masked by what turns out to be Monastrell. This 2013 drank like a much younger wine and knowing this now can see this wine being wonderful 20 years from now — 3 years ago
Rare that I can find a Priorat in TX much less a quality affordable wine from one of my favorite wineries Clos Figueras. @closfigueras . We had a wonderful night at their Chateau so this not only brings back memories but the soft Garnacha Blend with the earthy castle like minerality red fruit, hints of herbs. DELICIOUS — 4 years ago
Mark Presswood
Nice Borolo, a little soft but beautiful flavor and fair finish. Not a complex Borolo but enough going on to enjoy with dinner — 2 years ago