Grower, drinker, and sometimes writer in Northern California. Fortunate to have access to incredible wines and restaurants.
The last time I had this was at The French Laundry trying to convince someone to support a nonprofit I love. The subsequent gift was generous but, somehow, underwhelming. This wine is like that. A great vintage, a great vineyard, in great hands, but it had so much more potential. I’m not whining about a 97-point wine; I’m lucky to enjoy it. But it could’ve been even more. — 3 months ago
Once a year Wente drops off a case of new stuff as a thank you for partnering with them. Full disclosure: we grow Chardonnay for them. But I appreciate this families commitment to the community and though their wines are not on my regular drinking list, they are good affordable well made wines. — 3 months ago
Roy Goble
Roy had this 2 months ago