Good all around I like to cook with this rum — 6 years ago
This feels like what all of the best “funky” orange wines without extreme skin contact are gesturing towards, their platonic ideal. But it isn’t a static edifice of an ideal, rather a great vibrating energy vortex, changing from minute to minute. Marmalade, spot prawn heads, salt, new sneakers, gooseberries, Bacardi limon, pickled red onion, sherry, green tomatoes, curry leaf, Hoja Santa, cilantro stems, seville orange. Enjoying on my first Father’s Day while Hugo and Kalen take a nap. Sichuan Impression delivery on its way. — 2 years ago
Agradable sabor, ligero olor a madera, 40 grados en porcentaje de alcohol, recomendable para combinación con refresco de cola o de Ginger, en epoca de frío tomalo solo, prueba otro peculiar sabor combinado preparado en vaso de barro dejandolo unos minutos reposando, gradua lo dulce con agua mineral. Mejo sabor que Solera de Bacardi precio accesible 240-300 pesos mexicanos. — 3 years ago
Louis Martin
Apricot and licorice — 5 months ago