Spot on young-ish Moulis, fruity with just enough tannins — 7 years ago
One of my fav lalas — 2 months ago
Dark brooding color, opaque in the glass. Great nose from the start. Notes of black fruit, red cherries, dark spice, menthol, slate stone and dark earth. Silky smooth and savory in the mouth. Blind I might have guessed this as a rich Guigal La Mouline. Still in the early part of its journey, this can be drunk now and over the next 10 years. — 3 years ago
Tasted blind. Bright purplish tawny color, mostly translucent. Amazing aroma. Sweet nose with notes of rich dark fruit, smoked meats, and some bacon fat. Great richness in the mouth, like velvet. The nose though is amazing and I keep a glass of this by my side all day to keep going back to. To me it seems like this is a super rich Guigal Mouline so I go with that and a 1990 guess. So exciting to have the reveal show it's the rare Cathelin bottling which I've never had. My wine of the day for sure. I can still smell this the next day. Thks Steve! — 2 years ago
Gilbert Van Hassel
La mouline to finish. Good lineup for the night. Dalforno1st, piano 2nd, la mouline3rd, lambrays 4th, gonon 5th. Problem they are all excellent so difficult to put a rating. Good birthday. — a day ago