Cims De Porrera

Cims de Porrera

Priorat Carignane 2014

Very very shy at first. Started light bodied but then unfurled in the glass. Blue and black fruit, tannins fine and fully integrated. Slight candied note. Not up there with Mogador but serious enough. Superb with the steak. — 3 months ago

Coop. Agricola de Porrera

Vi de Vila Porrera Caranyana Garnatxa


20240813 Restaurant Schäfli Siebnen
Chateaubriand with Wakano and PCOE

As always super wine

CHF 58.00
— 7 months ago

Familia Nin-Ortiz

'Nit de Nin' Mas d'en Porrera Caçador Garnacha Cariñena 2017

Jan A

Strawberries and raspberries on the nose, surprisingly soft structure (although still a "big" wine) with sweetness, inky, powdery, ripe tannins. Earth tones emerge at the back of the palate. Already in the drinking window but no rush to consume these. 95+. Awesome wine! — a year ago

Edo, Clint and 13 others liked this

Familia Nin-Ortiz

La Coma d'en Romeu Velle Vinyes Porrera Priorat Red Blend

Only 1200 bottles!
This is bottle 0912 !
— 4 months ago

Peter, Andrew and 6 others liked this

Familia Nin-Ortiz

Planetes de Nin Partida Les Planetes Vi De La Vila Porrera Priorat 2017

Jan A

Again not a correct bottle at the onset (Brett), but that largely blew off after an hour. So better than the previous two bottles. Still muted, dusty fruit. Underneath there is a well made wine but it never shined unfortunately — 6 months ago

Stef, Jelle and 7 others liked this

Familia Nin-Ortiz

Nit De Nin Porrera Coma D'En Romeu 2014

Priorat night with friends and steak….. — 10 months ago

Eric, "Odedi" and 4 others liked this

Cims de Porrera

Classic Priorat Carignane Blend 2006

Nariz intensa a frutas a pesar de ser un 2006. Frutas frrescas, un poco de cheeries, hint de pasas. En boca taninos marcados y post gusto y acidez mediano alto. Frutas en boca con intensidad en el terroir: tierra, cuero. Excelente para el año. — a year ago

Celler Cecilio

Black Slate Porrera Vi de la Vila Priorat Garnacha Blend 2019

Oh yeah this is the stuff. Minerally, herby, leather/tobacco blackberry jam nose. Assertive but not aggressive dark fruits and barrel tannin on the palate. You can't stop sipping it. Would absolutely drink again. — 5 months ago

Matthew HeyboerEthan HeyboerJody Wycech
with Matthew, Ethan and 2 others
Byron liked this