20240813 Restaurant Schäfli Siebnen
Chateaubriand with Wakano and PCOE
As always super wine
CHF 58.00 — 7 months ago
Strawberries and raspberries on the nose, surprisingly soft structure (although still a "big" wine) with sweetness, inky, powdery, ripe tannins. Earth tones emerge at the back of the palate. Already in the drinking window but no rush to consume these. 95+. Awesome wine! — a year ago
Nariz intensa a frutas a pesar de ser un 2006. Frutas frrescas, un poco de cheeries, hint de pasas. En boca taninos marcados y post gusto y acidez mediano alto. Frutas en boca con intensidad en el terroir: tierra, cuero. Excelente para el año. — a year ago
Porta vino wine dinner — 4 months ago
At Kwiezien met Heleen 11/23/2033 — a year ago
Big Wave Dave
Very very shy at first. Started light bodied but then unfurled in the glass. Blue and black fruit, tannins fine and fully integrated. Slight candied note. Not up there with Mogador but serious enough. Superb with the steak. — 3 months ago