Real solid Rhone. Let it breath a day but not more than two. — 4 years ago
Great with beef. Bright and smooth — 4 years ago
Austin wine merchant — 8 years ago
Great Gigondas not quite ready but yum with confit de canard — 5 years ago
Domaine de la Font de Notre Dame, rasteau 331, 2019
Superb nose with blackberry, garrigue, tapenade, a little bit of heat too. The palate is delicious. A massive acid backbone gives way to a superb blackberry note all along, a good width, a fruity/juicy mouthfeel, a power house of a mid palate with a good tannins wall that dries things up a notch. The finish is made of blackberry, that drying effect, a tiny touch of oak and a bitter note in the end. It's very good and delivering exactly what's expected. — 3 years ago
Mark Eastom
Wild berry, rhubarb, cherry, crushed stone, spice and great acid. Amazing with a ribeye. — 7 months ago