Haspengouw, Belgium

St. Bernardus Brouwerij

St. Bernardus Abt 12 Tripel Abbey Ale

Marc S

Very fine flavoured “Trappist”. Love it! — 7 months ago

Jeroen liked this

Abbeye de Leffe

Blonde Ale

Belgian Blonde 6.6 ABV. Abbey style. It was the sweetness and drinkability that was enjoyed most. Different flavor/experience in glass 2nd time, preferred bottle. Spices? — 9 months ago

Brouwerij Drie Fonteinen

Oude Geuze

Bottled 28 March 2018. Blend no. 42. Season 17/18. Shared by @Bryan Frey for a delicious nightcap and to honor Armand’s passing on 6 March. Just a perfectly balanced, funky, citrusy, earthy lambic. Best before 2038, but there is no way I could get my hands on enough to test that date as they would disappear well before then. — 3 years ago

Bryan Frey
with Bryan
Bryan, Andrew and 6 others liked this

Brasserie Cantillon

Gueuze Lambic Bio

Vintage 2019 (may) — 7 months ago

Lies, Brian and 6 others liked this
Severn Goodwin

Severn Goodwin Influencer Badge Premium Badge

A favorite Gueuze here!

Brasserie Dupont

Avec Les Bon Veux Saison Malt

Amazing that this is 9.5% because it's so easy to drink a 750mL bottle. It really is wine quality. I have a hard time identifying the nose on beers but it reminds me of being inside the cow feed silo as a kid. It smells like late summer harvest left to ferment.
It's a very clean taste of...... Wheat grass?
— 2 years ago

Brasserie Cantillon

Classic Gueuze Lambic 2017

Outstanding. September 2017 bottle. Great sour and funky flavor. Citrus, some berry-like flavor. More funk than I remember. So good. I have to say that American sours are catching up to this standard. — 4 years ago

Brewery Bosteels

Tripel Karmeliet Ale

NV | wash off a national team defeat 🥴 — 8 months ago

Paul, Jeroen and 12 others liked this
Jan de Weerd

Jan de Weerd

Yep. I think that will do it. Keep that Champagne bottle on ice!

Brouwerij Verhaeghe

Duchesse de Bourgogne Flanders Red Ale


Revisiting this classic - an All-Timer — a year ago

Tom, Aravind and 4 others liked this

Brouwerij Drie Fonteinen

3 Fonteinen Oude Geuze 2018

This is outstanding. Sour mash but bright. Lovely. — 4 years ago

Brewery Omer Vander Ghinste

Cuvee Des Jacobins Rouge Flemish Sour Ale

I love Belgian sours this time of year. This one features cherries, apple, oak, and vanilla. Drinks way to easy for the R-OH content. — 4 years ago

Jim, Chris and 2 others liked this
Jim McCusker

Jim McCusker

Great beer. The kriek is even better.