Koehler Ruprecht


Kallstadter Kabinett trocken Riesling 2021

Rainbow Sherbet w a bright dry snap ~ after aromas of white flowers, lime, apricot, musk, slate & bluestone — 25 days ago

Jan, John and 5 others liked this


Kabinett trocken Pinot Noir 2022


So freaking good. The fruit is leaning more to the tarter side. — 7 months ago

with Jeni
Tom, Ron and 8 others liked this


Kallstadter Saumagen RR Auslese Trocken Pfalz Riesling 2009

Crazy wine and my wife was unfortunately not a fan. There are classic ripe riesling notes in the background but KR notes dominate this. This was drinking a piece of history as its the last RR with Bernd Philippi who sadly passed away last year. — 9 months ago

Dick, Raul and 9 others liked this


Kallstadter Saumagen RR Spätlese Trocken Riesling 2007

I was lucky to find a few bottles at a reputable store years ago. I was familiar with how much time they required and that off bottles were common. Purity and balance from start to finish. So many gears & levels. Wonderful array of citrus flavors backed up by just the right amount of creaminess. No rush to open, this has a long life ahead of it. — 2 months ago

Peter, Mike and 34 others liked this
Pinotman /// Andreas

Pinotman /// Andreas

Compared to Rebholz, Fröhlich, Lauer, and many others Lyle and vom Boden imports these have fallen back.
Ira Schwartz

Ira Schwartz Influencer Badge Premium Badge

@Peter Sultan @Pinotman /// Andreas not sure why Delectable has changed my score twice . Sorry for the confusion.




Kallstadter Saumagen R Spätlese Trocken Riesling 2008

Bright straw yellow colour in the glass.
Although this wine has lovely hints of cottoncandy, rockdust and bigtime candied citrusnotes on the nose, it really impresses for combining its subdued richness, depth and complexity with a magnificent saline, savoury, stony, acidic and bonedry mouthfeel. The long and balanced finish echoes all of the above, while gorgeous citruspeel bitterness, tonic water, wet rocks, iodine and some woolly, earthy funk are added in the mix.
A wonderful example of traditional and restrained dry Riesling.
Even better after two hours of air and when served slightly warmer than refrigerator temperature.
— 7 months ago

Thijs, Peter and 12 others liked this


Kallstadter Saumagen R Auslese Trocken Riesling 2011

This wine is crazy...just a mixed bag of flavours going in all sorts of directions. Love it and would recommend to anyone who like Riesling! — 10 months ago

Spencer, Ron and 13 others liked this
Jan de Weerd

Jan de Weerd

Wow. Yiu are on a roll!!! Have to see if I can find this Riesling. We fell in love with it when we were in Mosel and got exposed Riesling we didn’t even know existed.


Kallstadter Annaberg Spätlese Trocken Chardonnay

Confusing, sweet like honey but has acid on the back end. Do not really like — 2 months ago


Kallstadter Saumagen Auslese Riesling 2003

Bright golden yellow. Candied lemon, applesauce, apricot jam, honey, soft spices, white almonds, funky minerals, petrol, old foudres.
Very vivid and well balanced, great freshness, cristalline, creamy, ‘sweet but not sweet’ indeed. Classic, charming, pretty.
— 5 months ago

Ira, Jan and 9 others liked this


Trocken Kabinett Spätburgunder 2020

Bright fruit notes of cherry, juicy plum. Tart raspberries on the nose. Very nice wine — 8 months ago


Kallstadter Saumagen Auslese Trocken Riesling 2009

This was just a great Riesling 💪 — 9 months ago

Tom, Ira and 3 others liked this
Jeroen Koenen

Jeroen Koenen

Single R, no?