Ooh, I like this one a lot. From the nose to the palate it’s just aromatic and balanced. Gentle menthol notes from oak influence with an undercurrent of flint and minerality. Well extracted with fantastic acidity. I wish I could afford to buy this on the regular. — 4 years ago
drank like a dream on day 2 ooh ooh ohh!! — 6 years ago
Ooh ooh ooh! I’m drinking a Hungarian cab franc. Am I a wine hipster now? Where are my skinny jeans and man bun? — 6 years ago
Ooh la la, silk. — 2 years ago
Over 4 years since the last time I opened a bottle from this case and ooh it is smoking! Perfumed, black fruits, intense plum, cassis?, huge secondary and tertiary spicy leather and herbs and forest, super smooth Tannins undetectable with the steak but still really grippy and prominent after. However, nicely integrate and balanced. — 3 years ago
Brilliant expression of an amarone valpolicella. Black cherry flavours and sweet tannins. A wee bit of cloves and spice...ooh...and some interesting tobacco notes. Quite different from its cousin, the Sartori Corte Bra. Can't stop nosing this one — 3 years ago
Extended aging on lees? I couldn't remember that in my cellar. What I knew was that I had a big dish of braised cardoons, my first ever attempt at cooking or eating them. What to pair with this pungent, artichoke scented veg... Something to offset its bitterness, with body, not a ton of tannin; maybe a Langhe rosso? Hrm, maybe a skin contact Vitovksa? Ooh, I have these old i Clivi wines. Hrm, Brazan is the oldest, let's give it a shot.
Cardoons: artichoke, bay leaf, floral (daisy family), reminds me of Chrysanthemum tea w DimSum many years ago in NYC.
Wine: deep golden, reverberant bass notes, resinous, shows a vanilla tinged, slightly volatile edge next to the cardoons.
About as excellent a pairing as I could hope for in Covid-Year 2. — 4 years ago
Daniel Bloom
Ooh, mineral goodness to go with restrained fruit. Perfect w pesto and tomatoes. See prior notes. — 2 years ago