This is outrageous. Everyone should drink this. — 3 years ago
“Murk” murky wine. Tasty. We usually don’t go for natural, but this was pretty engaging. Tasted like a lemony bitter cocktail. — 3 years ago
delicious slightly bubbly. not too sweet — a year ago
New experience and fascinating. This is not funky hipster orange wine at all. This is clean, earl grey tea with forest honey. It’s amazing how much this tastes like a complex tea, but there is also some spiced tangerine. It actually evolves on the palate to baking spices galore, some rosemary, other woodsy notes. I am loving this. What an awesome exploration. I hope I can try other wines from this winery. Reminds me of some of the hiyu blends that are not what we are accustomed to as typical wine. So much more to explore. I wonder if this would age well — 2 years ago
Fruity and mild wine with Brenna, Christi, and Jodi — 3 years ago
Second wine from this producer and love it! This reminds me of my first few broc, donkey&goat, and hiyu wines. Made me think about what was possible in wine. By far one of the best orange wines I’ve had. This one is more jasmine tea and flowers everywhere. There’s some raspberry, sea salt, nectarine, more flowers, amazingly fresh and vibrant. God this is good and so drinkable. — a year ago
Multi-vintage. This is a wine where my wife and I diverged. The more time I spent with the wine opening and warming slightly in the glass, the more I enjoyed the complex aromas, flavors, and lighter body. She thought the initial volatile aromas paired well with our Moroccan spiced stuffed eggplant, but was not a fan with it after dinner. — 2 years ago
It’s made like champagne, but from Burgundy. — 3 years ago
Szeremi zold 2022
Orange wine 3-day skin contact Sandy soil
Natural style — 9 months ago