Weingut Pfaffmann

Markus Pfaffmann

Sauvignon Blanc

Fruchtig aber etwas sauer. Gut für Vorspeisen wie Lachs — a year ago

Karl Pfaffmann

Walsheimer Silberberg Riesling Auslese 2005

Walsheimer Silberberg Riesling Auslese | at the end of a family dinner there is no such thing as a fine aged Riesling with Auslese qualification. Sixteen year old and a first class beauty. Buttery nose and awesome balance on the tongue. If you believe or not… the words Thank God are on your lips with these wine. — 4 years ago

Severn, Ira and 18 others liked this
Severn Goodwin

Severn Goodwin Influencer Badge Premium Badge

Agreed, aged Riesling is a special treat. ❤️
Peter Sultan

Peter Sultan Influencer Badge

And that’s a pretty great vintage for Auslese, no?@Peter van den Besselaar

Weingut Theobald Pfaffmann

Nussdorf Weissburgunder 2022

God och lätt. Drack på Knödelwirtschaft med Jan, mamma oh pappa i juni 2023. — 2 years ago

Karl Pfaffmann

Silberberg Spätlese Gewürztraminer 2018

Vintage 2018 | Curiosity. This was a big surprise to me. Elegant spicyness in smell. Impeccable balance. Paired with homemade Curry Chicken. Note to self: explore gewürztraminer. — 4 years ago

Neil, Ericsson and 15 others liked this
Tom Casagrande

Tom Casagrande Influencer Badge

One of my favorite grapes! But you need to pick your moments (and your guests) for it.

Karl Pfaffmann

Lebenswerk Trocken Grauburgunder

Sehr guter Weissburgunder
Kauf über vicampo
— 5 years ago

Dirk liked this

Karl Pfaffmann

Lara Cabernet Merlot

Cabernet Merlot — 2 years ago

Karl Pfaffmann

Riesling Beerenauslese 2003

Vintage 2003 | Old gold colour, the yellow of Rembrandt. Wagonloads of peaches. Nice acidity so the wine is lively and balanced. ⚡️Nectar ✨ — 3 years ago

Peter, Andrew and 24 others liked this

Wolfgang Pfaffmann

Reserve Weissburgunder 2018

Toller Wein, viel Frucht, etwas Holz und eine gut eingebundene Säure. — 4 years ago

Karl Pfaffmann

Trocken Weißburgunder 2018

Süffig, sehr lecker — 5 years ago

Don Simon
with Don
Barny, Stephan and 1 other liked this


Kein schlechtes Programm 👍