In a perfect drinking window. Mature dry Riesling that is fully resolved. — 10 months ago
The 2022 is just so epic. Gorgeous and provocative nose of ripe cherries, damson berries and a you can almost smell the treacly texture. Raspberry and cherry flower as well. Just amazing fruit captured on the nose. Truly wow. Palate is gorgeous, textured and deep with terrific acidity and freshness and a dramatic opulence to it as well. Just stunning and so juicy. This is just as perfect for what it is as one can get. As it airs the structure becomes more substantial and my god the tiny berry fruit intensity is remarkable. Gorgeous wine. The finish now is stunning mineral and fleshy red cherries. Almost 9.6. Picks up insane finesse now with air. What a wine! — 3 months ago
More acidic than fruity, not sweet, srill juicy and a vir chewy. Very tasty. — 9 months ago
Tiefrot mit Blautönen, weich und samtig auf der Zunge, dennoch vollmundig und langanhaltend am Gaumen, Noten von dunkelreifen Pflaumen und Erdbeeren, mit einer Prise Pfeffer. — 2 years ago
Purity @Lyle Fass you have a knack for finding genius — 4 months ago
Have not had in two years and wow has this opened. Stunning nose of lemon oil, calcified sugar, wet earth, some stone fruits and herbals. Such a great nose showing some early aged character. Palate is at once opulent and at once incisive. That combo of stone fruit opulence and acid is heavenly. An amalgam of lemmon flesh, stone fruits like peach and apricot and wonderful stoney minerality. Just wonderful. Now after 6 hours the nose is crazy and confectionary. Gorgeous lemon and lime smarties. Uncanny. 9.6 nose. Palate so pure and so balanced. Exquisite. — 7 months ago
Such a great wine. Perfumed nose, spice, hay, skoche of dried honey, some potting soil, cardamom, white pepper, all so pretty and harmonious. Palate is super harmonious and very pure. Sappy and salty finish. Palate is all mineral and spice and maybe a hint of spiced apple on the finish. Lovely wine. Very juicy and spicey! — 2 years ago
Andrew McIntyre
Lively and acidic but with potential for more. Decided we need to drink this more often. Dont quite have the massive structure of the GGs but still a fabulous wine! — 4 days ago