All the essentials. Hope these monks blessed the devil out of this! Gorgeous auburn brown that looks as rich as fresh tilled, valley loam. This head don’t quit! Cappuccino foam with variations. Sheeted micro-weave of bubbles in the lacing that part like thick lips, as if to say, ‘ahhh.’ A touch of baked marshmallow-on-yam. Coffee rye, barley grist, malt and grilled meat interplay, twice baked potatoes with bacon, sour cream and chives. Caramel drizzle. Dark honey glazed sourdough toast. Blood orange squeezed onto fondue, baked, mushroom stuffed persimmon. Heady, rustic, decadent nose invites us to a feast. Intense finesse! So multi-layered they had to fold it into the bottle! There is a cognac barrel aspect that has a cedar and oregano intertwined in an aged balsamic depth. Bark-y and chicory but also resembling petite verdot in its unctuous and integral core. Cherrywood and rich, dark maduro tobacco. The list could literally go on forever. The bread of Life. #trappiste #rochefort #trappistesrochefortten #trappistesrochefort10 #belgian #belgianale #belgianbeer #belgianbier #abbeyale #abbayeale #ale #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #abbayeaddesaintremy #rochefort #belgium — 5 years ago

P, Neil and 2 others liked this
David Kline
All the essentials. Hope these monks blessed the devil out of this! Gorgeous auburn brown that looks as rich as fresh tilled, valley loam. This head don’t quit! Cappuccino foam with variations. Sheeted micro-weave of bubbles in the lacing that part like thick lips, as if to say, ‘ahhh.’ A touch of baked marshmallow-on-yam. Coffee rye, barley grist, malt and grilled meat interplay, twice baked potatoes with bacon, sour cream and chives. Caramel drizzle. Dark honey glazed sourdough toast. Blood orange squeezed onto fondue, baked, mushroom stuffed persimmon. Heady, rustic, decadent nose invites us to a feast. Intense finesse! So multi-layered they had to fold it into the bottle! There is a cognac barrel aspect that has a cedar and oregano intertwined in an aged balsamic depth. Bark-y and chicory but also resembling petite verdot in its unctuous and integral core. Cherrywood and rich, dark maduro tobacco. The list could literally go on forever. The bread of Life. #trappiste #rochefort #trappistesrochefortten #trappistesrochefort10 #belgian #belgianale #belgianbeer #belgianbier #abbeyale #abbayeale #ale #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #abbayeaddesaintremy #rochefort #belgium — 5 years ago