Very unique taste. Dry smooth red, barrel cased, rich wine! #argentinianwine #redwine #malbec #Catena — 10 years ago
Bodegas Caro “Petit Caro” Malbec-Cabernet Sauvignon 2017 (Argentine)
Caro is a collaboration between Catena and Rothschild. Pop and Pour. Wow, weightless. Great mouthfeel. Great QPR. Neither Malbec nor Cabernet Sauvignon stands out. All blended in, becoming an easy-to-drink pleasant wine.
カテナとロスチャイルドがコラボしたカロ(Caro)によるマルベックとカベルネのブレンドPetit Caroを試しました。開けてすぐに飲みましたが、重さを全く感じさせない、口当たりが滑らかで飲みやすいワイン。コスパ高し。マルベックとカベルネがそれぞれ主張し合うことなく仲良く共存しているようなワインでした。
#Catena #Rothschild #Caro #BodegasCaro #2017 #redwine #wine #赤ワイン #ワイン #Argentine #Argentina #アルゼンチン #マルベック #カベルネ #malbec #cabernet #buenosaires — 6 years ago
Low intensity but tasty and soft. #catena #argentina #malbec — 9 years ago
Owner TomeVinos wine shops, WSET Level 3, Blogger,
Deep ruby color. Pronounced aromas of violets and lilies, fresh black fruit (blueberries, blackberries and black cherries) and hints of vainilla and cedar. On the palate it is juicy and fresh with medium acidity, medium(+) fine grained ripe tannin and medium(+) body. The finish is medium(+) and slightly sweet of ripe delicious fruit. The taster for Robert Parker only gave it 90+ but I believe that he is diverging further and further away from what the wine collector and wine consumer really enjoy and is scoring very subjectively based on his own personal preference for Burgundy and Jura wines. In the context of new world wines and Argentina and Malbec, I find this wine fresh and perfectly ripe and with a controlled oak presence and a very solid effort to transmit the terroir of the La Consulta sub-region. #catena #catenazapata #argentina #malbec #mountainwine — 4 years ago