Great richness with some delicious secondary notes. The acidity is present but a bit disjointed. #conchaytoro #chardonnay #chile — 9 years ago
A hidden treasure of Chile. Perfect balance, great with or without food. #conchaytoro #delectable #winemag #wine — 9 years ago
This #donmelchor is elegant for how big it is. The wine is packed of rich red and black fruit as well as notes of olive, chocolate, and tobacco. It became much more complex over the 4 hours in the decanter. The lack of structure will hurt the wine. The length is great though. #chile #cabernetsauvignon #conchaytoro — 9 years ago
Tasty, gamey, and big. Lacked the acid and finesse to lift it up into a new level though. #newworld #chile #carmenere #conchaytoro — 9 years ago
16.5/20 (91/100)
Цвет светло-золотистый. Аромат довольно сильный, чуть аптечный, с тонами аниса, лакрицы, камфары. Пряные травы, минеральный. Необычный, весьма своеобразный. Вкус фруктово-дымный, насыщенный, цветочный. Хороший баланс, долгое послевкусие. Очень хорошо.
#chile #dwchile #conchaytoro #dwconchaytoro #casablanca #pts91 — 10 years ago
A strong #chardonnay with ripe pineapple and full of puckering acid (a touch out of whack and did not make sense with the ripeness of the fruit). A very pleasant wine with reasonable tension that is aging well. #chile #conchaytoro — 9 years ago
16,5 /20 (chardonnay 2012)
#chile #conchaytoro #chardonnay #2012 #pts91 #limari — 9 years ago
#conchaytoro #cabernetsauvignon — 9 years ago
15.5/20 (87/100)
Цвет светло-золотистый. Айва, абрикос, выраженные тона позднего сбора, сладковато-медовые оттенки, ягодные оттенки. Вкус сладкий, сухофрукты, айва, с горчинкой. Послевкусие долгое. Чуть-чуть не хватает кислотности.
#chile #dwchile #lateharvest #sauvignonblanc #conchaytoro #dwconchaytoro #maulevalley #maule #pts87 — 10 years ago
Charles (Chad) Bucklin
Owner and founder of C. T. Bucklin Wine Advising
This #marquesdecasaconcha is tasty, full, and has a long but not very exciting finish. It's dominated by ripe red and black fruit and chunky tannins. The wine is not well balanced and has a lack of character. Med complexity. #conchaytoro #cabernetsauvignon #chile — 9 years ago