Needs about an hour to open up before you can smell the roses. Literally. And about 4 sips before you can taste them. Good wine, stiff tannins even though it's 8 or 9 years old now. Leave me alone, I refuse to do math at midnight in December. Next month it's 9.
Needs about an hour to open up before you can smell the roses. Literally. And about 4 sips before you can taste them. Good wine, stiff tannins even though it's 8 or 9 years old now. Leave me alone, I refuse to do math at midnight in December. Next month it's 9.
Nov 29th, 2015
Red fruit, clay, earth and rose petal.
Red fruit, clay, earth and rose petal.
Apr 25th, 2021
Full body, tar and roses, vibrant acidity
Full body, tar and roses, vibrant acidity
Mar 8th, 2014