At Auberge du Cep, Fleurie. With escargots and faux gilet de boeuf (R) and paté en croute and poitrine et cuisse de poulet avec vin rouge et champignons (L). Excellent. — 3 years ago
Really a wonderful cote rotie in a prime drinking window at ~10 years. 13% abv which is appreciated. Very balanced with wonderful length. Great acid. Quite typical Syrah on the nose. Mouth filling with nice deep fruit and some earth. Great pairing with terrine and wild hare at Auberge Bressane in Paris. — a year ago
A very nice Beaujolais, well worth the money. Take a sip , close your eyes and you’ll see Auberge Le Cep and the cathedral in Fleurie. — 4 years ago
Celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary with my wife, Auberge du Soleil in Napa Valley. What a wonderful and smooth wine!!!! — 6 years ago
'la grande reserve' — 3 years ago
Vintage 2010 / I drank this wine for the first time in Auberge du Bon Laboureur in Chenonceaux and was so surprised I decided to drive to the domaine next day. Visited it once more with winefriends afterwards. Frédéric Brochet is doing great work in a part of France, the #Vienne, that is not known for its wines. This 2010 from Cabernet is developing excellent. Harmonious, red bell pepper. Went very well with Cantonese beef and paksoi. A real gem for the cellar with good perspective. #loirewine — 6 years ago
Elisabeth mersier
Auberge se là source — 2 months ago