Château D'arlay

Château D'Arlay

Côtes du Jura Savagnin

Smells amazing and really classic Jura. Similar to Gahier wines on the nose. Really rich, has plenty of acid but is also weighty. Wants hearty food — 25 days ago

Tom liked this

Château D'Arlay

Macvin du Jura Poulsard

Nose brings me back to my day in Jura tasting oxidative whites: walnut, savory spice, butterscotch, smoke, old lemon peel. Beautiful.

Caramel and honey sweetness up front with a touch of citrusy, lemony acidity that lends just enough balance. So yummy and drinkable.

Perfect foil to some after dinner cheese. Thanks to Scott Wren for breaking this rare beauty out!
— 5 years ago

Brooks DampmanScott Wren
with Brooks and Scott
Scott liked this

Château D'Arlay

Côtes du Jura Blanc Chardonnay Savagnin 2004

Gulfruktigt med tydliga men försiktiga florjästtoner. — 7 years ago

Adam Gäfvert
with Adam
Amr liked this
Adam Gäfvert

Adam Gäfvert Premium Badge

Oxiderade drag, gul frukt och florjästig.

Château D'Arlay

Côtes du Jura Red Blend

Très bon Arbois vendu Cave des Gobelins — 4 years ago

Château D'Arlay

Côtes du Jura Grand vin de cépage Savagnin

Crisp, bright & a little reduced like a sherry. Really good & easy to drink w/ or w/o food but difficult to describe. — 5 years ago

Château D'Arlay

Côtes du Jura Blanc Tradition Savagnin

Super interesting oaked/oxidized savagnin. Sherry comes to mind. When cold still fresh. Aquired taste yet fine n deep. — 7 years ago

Erik Sjolund

Erik Sjolund

2011 harvest, bottled 2016.

Château D'Arlay

A La Reine Côtes du Jura Chardonnay 2014

Drank this a few brain cells ago but I do recall it being delicious and true to Jura's oxidative CH style. 16€ — 8 years ago

Chris liked this

Château D'Arlay

Côtes du Jura Pinot Noir 2008

Vintage 2008 | half transparant, a beautiful smell that combines fruit with toffee and mocca, milk chocolate. Clear tannine in the wine, hard to get, but finally it surrenders and gives joy. — 5 years ago

Willem, Peter and 18 others liked this

Château D'Arlay

Corail Côtes du Jura Poulsard Blend 2009

Shay A

A first for me. Right off the bat I was hit with barnyard funk, a fruit driven balsamic note and very chewy/crunchy cranberry. Best enjoyed slightly below cellar temp, this still needs some age or a solid hour in the decanter to express itself. Lots of potpourri, tar, and herbal/mineral traits. I was only able to enjoy a glass of this shortly after it was opened so I’m sure it blossomed after I left and was cooled down. Need to re-visit this unique blend. — 6 years ago

Clare Gillette
with Clare
Ron, Ryan and 24 others liked this

Château D'Arlay

Côtes du Jura Rouge Pinot Noir

John McCarroll

Exactly what I needed at 7pm on a Tuesday — 7 years ago