マルクコランの長男であるピエールイブのサントーバン。力強い果実と硬質なミネラルに加えてスモークのニュアンスが絶妙@LE BON VIN市場価格2万円くらいだがルフレーヴのピュセルに負けない味わい — 17 days ago
#cabfranc elegant powerful beautiful structure — 22 days ago
2020 vintage. Tasted over the course of 1.5 hours. Medium body. Darker fruits (similar to Troplong-Mondot but less structure) evident from the get go. Plenty of upfront and mid-palate grip with things softening a bit in the later going. Picked up two bottles from Costco...seem to remember it retailing somewhere between $26-$33 a bottle. Definitely worth that pricing and beyond but this specimen wasn't hitting the high score/notes suggested by the Neal Martin review or Delectable others on this particular vintage. Maybe my palate was blown out by the previous wine...a 2019 Barolo. Perhaps. Will likely roll back and pick up two more bottles just to have laying around since it was drinking nicely anyway for the price. Was unfamiliar with this producer and a bit more "practice" won't hurt. 11.26.24. — 2 months ago
Ron Siegel
Slight reductive note that quickly blew off with notes of orchid fruits, wet stone, chalk & floral tones — 18 days ago