I am intrigued by this wine- it has subtle minerality with a clean finish. I plan to track down more:) — 2 months ago
Really great white. So much lime throughout. Floral, saline, wax, limes! It’s good alone and with food. — 4 months ago
Made from Garganega grapes, pale lemon yellow color with aromas of tropical fruits and floral notes. On the palate flavors of apple, melon and lemon citrus with nutty notes and lively acidity. Smooth finish ending with fruit and mineral notes. Nice value! — 3 months ago
Pours a copper-gold color that will immediately make you wonder if this has been oxidized, but apparently that's the style. Like their reds, they seem to turn everything up to 11 in Montefalco.
After decanting in the glass, aromas of toffee, white flowers, almonds, bitter oranges, and minerals. Very funky and interesting, but not something I'd hand innocent wine drinkers. — 4 months ago
Blend of indigenous varieties, 85% Garganega & 15% Trebbiano di Soave, from the heart of Soave, the Winery of Leonildo and Teresita Pieropan dates back to 1860. Pale lemon color with green edges and aromas of fresh fruits, floral blossoms and herb spice. On the palate crisp apple and peach with lemon citrus notes. Well balanced with vivid acidity carrying through to a pleasing finish. Screw cap! — a month ago
Jeremiah Diaz
Medium gold in color; peach, honeydew, and orange blossom on the nose; high acidity; tastes like tangerines, saline, and lemon with a long finish. Nellie and I like it. — 4 days ago