Not a big white wine person, but holy cheet mang! This is great! — 7 years ago
Delish mang — 10 years ago
Good one drinking every day in Sheraton Changchun for free. Mang times got drunk ftom it. Tastes sweet and smells great. Take it! — 8 years ago
An 8.7abv pounder seems like a contender for bell ringing. Let’s see if this Big Philly number has the clapper, and is all it’s cracked up to be. The judges are looking for a big freedom ringing ding-and-a-dong before they bestow the bejeweled belt. Pale aspect, though sinewy. Platinum flattop. Is this Dolph Lundgren (on the DL)? Does that make me the Italian S-T-A-L-L-I-O-N mang? Some know where I’m go-ween with this. Wealth of the ‘Delph. Ridge over space pods lacing where the pods spill downward in the unctuous tears of muscle sweat. Juicy grapefruit nose, tinged with a little octane, oranges, lemons, and limes; all parts. Soft butterscotch parts, too.. Dried tropical mango, pineapple and just a bit of ginkgo fruit bruised in the knees. Gorgeous mouthfeel. All the classic beer elements share the stairs here! Candied trio of citrus peels here: lemon, orange, grapefruit, and touches of caramel apple. Not a long finish, but a hard fought TKO in the end! .
#victorybrewing #cashmerehops #ddh #dipa #ddhdipa #ipa #doubledryhopped #dryhopped #victorybeer #victorybrewingco #pabeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #ipa #victorybellringer #victorybellringerddhdipa — 5 years ago
Jonas Hartz
Hit the dry spot — 15 days ago