An 8.7abv pounder seems like a contender for bell ringing. Let’s see if this Big Philly number has the clapper, and is all it’s cracked up to be. The judges are looking for a big freedom ringing ding-and-a-dong before they bestow the bejeweled belt. Pale aspect, though sinewy. Platinum flattop. Is this Dolph Lundgren (on the DL)? Does that make me the Italian S-T-A-L-L-I-O-N mang? Some know where I’m go-ween with this. Wealth of the ‘Delph. Ridge over space pods lacing where the pods spill downward in the unctuous tears of muscle sweat. Juicy grapefruit nose, tinged with a little octane, oranges, lemons, and limes; all parts. Soft butterscotch parts, too.. Dried tropical mango, pineapple and just a bit of ginkgo fruit bruised in the knees. Gorgeous mouthfeel. All the classic beer elements share the stairs here! Candied trio of citrus peels here: lemon, orange, grapefruit, and touches of caramel apple. Not a long finish, but a hard fought TKO in the end! .
#victorybrewing #cashmerehops #ddh #dipa #ddhdipa #ipa #doubledryhopped #dryhopped #victorybeer #victorybrewingco #pabeer #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #ipa #victorybellringer #victorybellringerddhdipa — 5 years ago
David Kline
Yellow watermelon orange, border of opacity. Loose, bright, white foam. Suddenly enough, none, but fast and oily brain grooves and amorphous blob-people trace out the forlorn and droopy lacings. Cheer up! The nose is full of concentrated tangerine zest, with look-alive lime, and lemon scented sunshine glinting off of shattered space debris. There is something so ‘dessicated lemon’ here, with a lambic-balsam edge, but also gasoline and lemongrass-white pepper. Anomalistic. Tasty sour pear, grapefruit, and funky golden plum all burst in sour unison, leaving pineapple to prickle amidst the pieces, and apricot shows ripely, timely and dedicatedly sweet, perhaps even slightly dried. Really amazing and complex, seamless without becoming divergent or clunky. Sour NE style double ipa... looking forward to the imperial version, should one materialize. #sixpoint #sixpointbrewing #sixpointbrewery #sixpointcosmichandshake #sourale #sour #sourbeer #souripa #ipa #indiapaleale #newenglandipa #sournewenglanddipa #dipa #beer #bier #biere #birra #cerveza #cerveja #abv #dap #intergalactichighfive #collab #collaborationbeer #victorybrewing #twoworldscollide — 5 years ago