Really good Chardonnay, not buttery, nice and dry. — 3 years ago
Another Awesome Aubert! A bit more yolky and less minerality than the Lauren but still tons of back end grip and a lovely long finish. It’s dense to start and thick with flavor but the looooongg finish brings nuance. Great straight up but on snowy Friday with Salerno style spaghetti and egg it was perfect. — 4 years ago
I agree with Shay’s review. Lemon curds, baked peaches, honeysuckle, butter, caramel, and fresh grass. Sweet and powerful, more so, I think, than most Auberts. I am still partial to Aubert’s Lauren and UV-SL, but this is delicious. — a month ago
Apple, lemon, blood orange, peach and hints of pineapple. Great acidity and minerality. — 4 years ago
Lauren loved it — 4 years ago
Enjoyed more than the last bottle, perhaps it was Patrick’s wonderful grilled steaks or his company, but it was dark and flavorful ($50). — 5 months ago
The Carneros wines from Aubert are usually not my favorites - they have tended to be a bit over extracted for my tastes - but I may have to reconsider that if I let them age for a bit: this 2013 is excellent. Still doesn’t touch the Lauren vineyard wines - far and away my favorite - but this one has settled down considerably since we last tried it a few years back. Well integrated, and beautifully balanced provide you keep it below cellar temp (gets too flabby if it’s too close to room temp). Of course, this is splitting hairs: the starting point for Mark’s wines start is awesome and we just go from there! — 5 years ago
Jody Scharf
Rich pears, apricots, delicious, still has some time... — 8 days ago