Manzone Giovanni & Figlio

Giovanni Manzone

Le Ciliegie Barbera d'Alba 2021

Buying more already — 9 months ago

Sarah Bignami
with Sarah
Rob, romo and 7 others liked this

Giovanni Manzone

Castelletto Barolo Nebbiolo 2009

1hr in decanter. Cherry jolly rancher. With leather and hint of tar. Moderate tannins. Last drank about 9 months ago and like more. Would rate higher but ends a bit early. — 5 years ago

with Ania
Anthony liked this

Giovanni Manzone

Barolo Nebbiolo 2005

Tasty but on the downslope. — 7 years ago

Giovanni Accomasso & Figlio

Vigneto Rocchette Barolo Nebbiolo 2010

In honor of the start of #dolcetto #harvest here in #langhe amazing for being 2010.. so young, smooth but structured.. this is his current release haha a legend! — 8 years ago

Paul, Daniel P. and 2 others liked this

Giovanni Manzone

Gramolere Barolo Nebbiolo 2018

Etheric, tight(but in the good sense). Approachable but will definitely improve with bottle age — 10 months ago

Jan, Bob and 13 others liked this

Giovanni Manzone

Langhe Nebbiolo 2017

I’ve been enjoying opening young inexpensive Nebbiolo the last week. It’s a fun contrast to the aged Nebbiolo I have that seems to be in a slump. Tannic but also cherry and energy. After a few days it tastes aged, with tobacco and spice predominating, but alas the tannin did not recede. — 5 years ago

Vicki Sliwa
with Vicki
Andrew liked this

Giovanni Manzone

Bricat Barolo Nebbiolo 2009

Богатый, плотный аромат: сладкая черешня, горький шоколад, морённое дерево, пыль, перец. Полное тело, слегка сладковатое, во вкусе спелая слива, мёд, стружка горького шоколада, известь. Идеальный баланс. 17,5/20
— 8 years ago

Daniel P. and Alexander liked this

Giovanni Manzone

Gramolere Riserva Barolo Nebbiolo 2009

$59 @ Last Bottle. 2009 drinking well in 2020. Classic Barolo color with a slight browning hue. 100% used oak. Smooth with slight tannins on the initial pour. — 4 years ago

Giovanni Manzone

Rosserto Langhe Rossese Bianco 2015

Vegetal green aloe and barely noticeable smoke; like distant forest fire. Or like a great Tobala Mezcal. Apples, tangerine, plush. — 6 years ago

Severn, Eric and 20 others liked this
Jay Kline

Jay Kline Influencer Badge Premium Badge

I’ve been consistently impressed with this producer over the last decade or so...really good stuff.
Ely Cohn

Ely Cohn Premium Badge

Agreed @Jay Kline Great little value too