Enjoyed it August 2019 — 6 years ago
Frutos negros en sabor y olor. Regusto sabor higo y arándanos. Delicioso, solo eso sí, si no te agradan los vinos salados, este no es tu vino. Los vinos de la Ribera del Guadiana me recuerdan mi visita a Cáceres, la patria de Hernán Cortés, muy ácidos, ideal en un corte como Sirlon o Arrachera. Los vinos europeos no suelen ser tan salados, como los de México o Sudamérica pero éste es riquísimo.
Black fruits in flavor and smell. Incredible taste flavor figs and blueberries. Delicious, only that if you do not like salty wines, this is not your wine. The Ribera del Guadiana wines remind me of my visit to Cáceres, the homeland of Hernán Cortés, very acid, ideal in a cut like Sirlon or Arrachera. European wines are not usually as salty, like those in Mexico or South America but this one is delicious. — 6 years ago
I expected more. But it's very good anyway. Rather light with red fruit, tobacco and licorice. — 2 years ago
Very good…
— 3 years ago
Light and summery. Tastes amazing with blueberry jam. — 6 years ago
Trincadeira and touriga. Vino de pago vino de la tierra estremadura. Very ripe n big, lot of dried fruit, mineral savoury finish. Quit balanced. 24$. 12 packs — 7 years ago
23 October 2018. Donna, Brooklyn, NY. — 6 years ago
Owner TomeVinos wine shops, WSET Level 3, Blogger www.spanishwinesandmore.com, blog.tomevinos.com
#tintorera #garnachatintorera high altitude limited production profound. Hints of roasted tomatoes meaty. — 2 months ago