Very yummy!! Dry, but fruity. The owner was very friendly and chatted with us about the wine making process. The winery was beautiful and off the beaten path! — 2 years ago
Lamb dinner at home — 4 years ago
Dry. Perfect for spicy food. Primrose wine club — 4 years ago
Nice. Plenty of cherry - a lot! Very enjoyable. Totally if the driven path road. Found by accident. Roses. Leather. — 10 months ago
Primrose 5/19/23 — 2 years ago
Runner-up for Wine Of The Night but definitely the pleasant surprise of the night. Little funky nose and not particularly effervescent for a sparkler. Acidity is muted and feels like a “real wine” as opposed to those chemically enhanced science experiments that pass for luxury wine life in some quarters. Definitely would serve this to my most discerning guests like @Sam Shepard @Brendan Devine and if I could be so blessed, the GOATs of the wine world like @Ron R @Mike R @Willie Carter, a little something off the beaten path. — 3 years ago
1998 vintage. This estate was acquired in 1972 by former Château Yquem régisseur Pierre Meslier ( who passed away in 2023 at the age of 93). He managed to restore the wines to their former glory, and his 3 children seem to continue on the same path. This 1998 features a brilliant, golden colour, and a nose that immediately shows off the typical roasted botrytis aromas that characterise great Sauternes, intertwined with honey, beewax, maple syrup, lemon confit and flowers. In the mouth, it is succulent and profound, wonderfully achieving that delicate balance between sugar and acidity that makes Sauternes potentially great. Layers of dried and fresh fruit, rich and refreshing at the same time, culminating in a very long finish with a lovely almondy impression. Excellent. Abv. 13,5%. — a year ago
Path Tokyo with Yoshi and Quinn. Quite distinct. Notes of herbs? — 2 years ago
Fantastic. Smooth even after just poured — 4 years ago
muoi Mulry
One of my go tos!!! — 5 months ago