One could argue it was a bit young, but this wine to me - every vintage - remains one of the greatest of all time. I smell and taste the dark fruit (currants, etc), I taste the iron, i taste the dark stones, I taste the garam marsala. And holy sh!t, the texture… — 3 months ago
happy birthday to me — 5 months ago
Highlight of the night! And a surprise to some degree. I kind off had given up on Lynch Bages. Given the high price, to me, the 2015 and 2016 were below expectation. But, boy, this 2018 rung all bells. Super concentrated, layers of evolving dark cherry, blueberry, current flavors and a superb balanced finish. All one could wish for. — 2 months ago
Good god. Peaking right now.
Huge aromatics on the nose. Superb weight, balance and texture. No rush to consume. Cedar and macerated black cherries transition to coffee and hints of maple. Blew me away. In raptures over this. Direct from the winery when I lived in Europe. — 3 months ago
Bit more lightening on the rim , more garnet . Touch more herbal on the nose with cedar , and grafite, much more lean and mineral on the palate. This takes quite a while to find its feet and benefits from quite a lot of air . In some ways a little unfortunate to be served between the 2000 and 1990 , which are a fuller , and more showy in style . However after a while this does show quite good length and balance , refreshing acidity . This is quite lean and mineral , focused and still pretty young . From now over the next 10 years. A little austere in style , reminds me a little of the 2005 in that aspect , though without that vintage’s intensity or density . — 3 months ago
Scott Soren
Absolutely delicious. While still young, this beast is drinking profoundly well at the 10 year mark. Smooth velvety tannins and dark red fruit, followed by a long lingering finishmakes me want more and more — 20 days ago