The O.G. Cote Rotie. Funky bloody and floral. That might sound appealing but for is Northern Rhone lovers this is the bee's knees! #coterotie #serinewilliams #rhônoyoudidnt #bloody #gamey — 9 years ago
The man the myth the legend. Unfortunately (luckily?) no one will drink this bloody goodness with me so I'm on my own!!?😔😃 #wineporn #graillot #kingofcrozes #syrahstunners #syrah #bloody — 10 years ago
Yohannah Burmeister
Found this little gem in the cellar. In a nice place right now. Needed 45 min in a decanter to flush out. Dried red and black fruits, dried flowers, and blood. Lots of blood. Paired well with the New York. Holla! #chianti #sangiovese #ilikemywinelikeilikemysteak #bloody — 9 years ago