
Beringer Vineyards

KVR Knights Valley Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2016

Purple hue with extraction on the glass. Clean nose with fresh blackberry, plum sauce, cassis, graphite, black and red peppercorns, jalapeño, espresso, vanilla, and cedar box notes. A dry and full-bodied wine, that’s fruit and oak forward that can stand on its own or as a culinary complement. 15% ABV.
#knightsvalleyreserve #knightsvalley #sonomacounty #northcoastava #beringerwinery #beringer #classiccalicab #cabernetsauvignon #cabernetday #newworldwide
— 5 years ago

with Deked1
Deked1, Paul and 12 others liked this

Peter Michael Winery

'L'Esprit des Pavots' Cabernet Sauvignon Blend 2007

A day late Father's Day dinner with "The Spirit of the Poppies" in the glass! Mmm! @petermichaelwinery #palmdesert #petermichaelwinery #lespritdespavots #knightsvalley #sonoma #delectable #wine #wineryexplorers — 11 years ago

Rafael, Jim and 1 other liked this

Beringer Vineyards

Appellation Collection Knights Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 1997

Charles (Chad) Bucklin

In much better condition than I thought it would be and not at all representative of the #vintage1997 On the leaner side some with elements of the #oldworld Well balanced and nice complexity. Eucalyptus, mint, bell pepper, graphite, and dark fruit dominated. Lively and enjoyable finish. Drink now #beringer #knightsvalley #cabernetsauvignon #sonoma #california #ribeye #ctbucklinwine — 8 years ago

Daniel P. and Matt liked this

Beringer Vineyards

Knights Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2011

Solid Attempt at Napa Cab by Beringer with Knights Valley fruit. A bit jammy for my liking but very nice richness and depth. Great packaging and cellar-worthy! #beringer #napa #napavalley #napacabernet #napacab #knightsvalley — 10 years ago

Beringer Vineyards

Knights Valley Cabernet Sauvignon 2012

Charles (Chad) Bucklin

So young and alcoholic. Lacked personality and excitement. #beringer #cabernetsauvignon #knightsvalley — 9 years ago