Dusty cherry and dense Christmas pudding nose features baked blueberry and dried red currants with blue spruce, Connecticut cigar wrap, sunflower, marigold and tea. There is ample black pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg and lacquered oak. Silky smooth and incredibly well-integrated layers of aforementioned spices with a surprisingly green tobacco note. Cedar and dried blackberry atop baked raspberry and peppercorn tart. Simply delicious and unwaveringly structured.
#chevalblanc #cheval #châteauchevalblanc #1ergrandcruclassé #1986 #stemiliongrandcru #appellationsaintemiliongrandcrucontrolée #misenbouteille #misenbouteilleauchâteau # — 3 years ago
Ripest red cherry and red rose aromatic hybrid. Cherry and strawberry blossoms. Herbaceous basil and tarragon sweetness awash in warm plum and baked currants. Flowering elms with wet black bark. Finally, oak and smoke. Perfect integration on the palate. Ready now but also for the foreseeable. Sweet raspberry and blackberry flash and recede to an obverse tart cherry with incredible indelible, satisfying depth. Sweet tobacco is outlined by Saigon cinnamon, clove, allspice and a strangely sweet pepper dichotomy. Really a perfect wine in every way. Smoke and graphite find a way to bow into the shimmery finish with finesse.
#châteauléovillepoyferré #léovillepoyferré #saintjulien #bordeaux #2ndgrandcruclassédumédoc #leftbankbordeaux #leftbank #misenbouteilleauchâteau #bordeauxrouge #Cuvelier #familleCuvelier #frenchwines #rougefrançais — 2 years ago
Black cherry and plum tart emerging through aromas of violets dotting brown breads, shiitake and black oak. Cinnamon, cedar and clove coalesce. Raspberry reduction with currants. Hints of mints. Tart cherry palate brings cherry reduction and black currants, tons of dark cedar wrapped cigar, tart blackberry, peppercorn and cinnamon stick. Green notes suggest this is still young and half-blossomed despite the quarter century. Grainy tannins, though rounded.
#pontetcanet #chateaupontetcanet #pauillac #appellationpauillaccontrôlée #1999 #1999bordeaux #bordeaux #misenbouteilleauchâteau #leftbank #leftbankbordeaux #bordeauxrouge #grandcruclasséen1855 — 2 years ago
David Kline
2016 vintage! Ripe and baked plum notes coincide with suede and black pepper pestled. Beef cheek, porcini and cola find blueberry and cedar. Exquisite mouthfeel of silken raspberry tinged with black pepper; tannins integrated, but tsunami suggestive. Black cherry, cinnamon, cedar, pepper, and oak. Generous, with clove assertive, and vanilla extract as a rinse. Palpably papal, where red is the staple.
#châteauneufdupape #cdp #rhonerouge #appellationchâteauneufdupapecontrôlée #châteaugigognan #châteaugigonancardinalice #cardinalice #misenbouteilleauchâteau #grenache — 8 months ago