New Tasmanian wine brand- Tolpuddle AUD 55; #coalriver #tasmania ; shows how new fashioned cold climate chardonnay has moved; #dexterity ; muted chardonnay as with Chablis but without the milky #malolactic aromas; lots of non mainstream chardonnay adjuncts which make it taste compact and coiled; second time tasted; nice to see smoke and herbs instead of peach and sweetness; 13%. — 10 years ago
Juicy upfront black cherry fruit. Nice #PinotNoir from #tasmania shame about the price! — 8 years ago
Tassie pinot made by an accomplished Riverina maker at Yenda; opulent, brisk acidity, floral but fruit firm; great drink now while so vibrant #tasmania #derwent #pinotnoir #bertonreserve #2013 #drinkaussie — 10 years ago
After few reds sure does feel like cleansing ale. @twometretall #tasmania #certifiablydelish #vinowithmicha — 10 years ago
#sparkling #tasmania — 12 years ago
Scott Rowe
En Magnum for Christmas.
#pinkstems #magnum #tasmania — 7 years ago