Spongy, bubbling crown of clown hair that bubbles away into an aurora without significant lacing; just the odd outcropping. Orange pith and lemon vie against carrot and pineapple upside down cakes. Hempseed, ginger and and a touch of cypress cameo with grapefruit seed aromas. Less creamy than in the past, with the sense of orange bitters through the lifespan. Pecan shell, cigar box, grapefruit oil, nettle, pronounced oak toast, and metallic lemon. Somehow different from years past. Maybe American oak lending a Spanish moss dryness to the finish. #cigarcitybrewing #whiteoakjaialai #jaialai #ipa #beer #paleale #indiapaleale #florida #ale #oakaged #ccb #oakonthis #beerprudence — 7 years ago
David Kline
Spongy, bubbling crown of clown hair that bubbles away into an aurora without significant lacing; just the odd outcropping. Orange pith and lemon vie against carrot and pineapple upside down cakes. Hempseed, ginger and and a touch of cypress cameo with grapefruit seed aromas. Less creamy than in the past, with the sense of orange bitters through the lifespan. Pecan shell, cigar box, grapefruit oil, nettle, pronounced oak toast, and metallic lemon. Somehow different from years past. Maybe American oak lending a Spanish moss dryness to the finish. #cigarcitybrewing #whiteoakjaialai #jaialai #ipa #beer #paleale #indiapaleale #florida #ale #oakaged #ccb #oakonthis #beerprudence — 7 years ago