Nino Negri
5 Stelle Sfursat di Valtellina Nebbiolo

Apassamiento technique used here. Fantastic. Great balance and a deep richness here.
Apassamiento technique used here. Fantastic. Great balance and a deep richness here.
May 15th, 2015
This wine reminds me to seek out sfursat valtellina.
This wine reminds me to seek out sfursat valtellina.
Feb 14th, 2014
Senses immediately overloaded, in a good way, with a bouquet of lavender tea, smoked cherrywood, tobacco, cedar, vanilla, and as someone here astutely observed, Alpine herbs. Buried underneath that is wild mushroom, wild raspberries, and cherries. Lasting nice finish, though a bit heavy on the alcohol compared to its southern nebbiolo cousins, but given the sforzato Amarone-like production process, this makes senses. One of the finest reds I've had in some time, certainly on par or better than the other nebbiolo I've tasted.
Better yet, I scored this for a steal of a price at a local Total Wine who either thought this was too old or didn't know what they had.
Senses immediately overloaded, in a good way, with a bouquet of lavender tea, smoked cherrywood, tobacco, cedar, vanilla, and as someone here astutely observed, Alpine herbs. Buried underneath that is wild mushroom, wild raspberries, and cherries. Lasting nice finish, though a bit heavy on the alcohol compared to its southern nebbiolo cousins, but given the sforzato Amarone-like production process, this makes senses. One of the finest reds I've had in some time, certainly on par or better than the other nebbiolo I've tasted.
Better yet, I scored this for a steal of a price at a local Total Wine who either thought this was too old or didn't know what they had.

Выпито в Пильнице в июле 2018 года. Прекрасное, мощное неббиоло. Понравилось. Первый раз мы такое пили с Болдыревым в Пьемонте в октябре 2014.
Выпито в Пильнице в июле 2018 года. Прекрасное, мощное неббиоло. Понравилось. Первый раз мы такое пили с Болдыревым в Пьемонте в октябре 2014.
Jul 15th, 2018(18/20) Вино с богатым и насыщенным букетом ароматов вишневого и сливового варенья, спелых ягод ежевики, шоколада, ванили, корицы, кардамона и карамели. Довольно высокая кислотность и мягкие танины. Насыщенный, продолжительный вкус. Отлично!
(18/20) Вино с богатым и насыщенным букетом ароматов вишневого и сливового варенья, спелых ягод ежевики, шоколада, ванили, корицы, кардамона и карамели. Довольно высокая кислотность и мягкие танины. Насыщенный, продолжительный вкус. Отлично!
Sep 12th, 2017
Can raisins be sexy? In this wine they can! Beautiful fruit and spice - tannins just beautifully integrated. The wine comes together in such a refined way. Bravo!
Can raisins be sexy? In this wine they can! Beautiful fruit and spice - tannins just beautifully integrated. The wine comes together in such a refined way. Bravo!
Apr 6th, 2017