Tastes as it should. 89. — 3 months ago
A supple fragrance of leaf fronds and slight tropical fruits like pineapples, lychee, and mangoes. Finally some underlying pine aromas.
A little less balanced, but in a good way. Leaning towards higher acid, but the tropical sweet notes balance this out, which is a nice playfulness.
It looks stunning in a glass, and has that end note of unctuous salinity and the overall freshness of skiing through pines. — 4 years ago
This is a wine of distinction, noses full of flavour whilst delivering a crisp but smooth rounded velvet experience on the palate. From Napa It sets a high boundary for USA wines to follow. — 5 years ago
No. 2 in the Vosne Romanee Grand Cru bracket. Tasted blind. My brief note (sensory overload has set in again!): A perfumed woody smokiness - sweet and gorgeous with a beautiful texture and mouthfeel. “ With Romanee Conti to its eastern boundary it is similar but slightly different. Les Richebourgs to its northern boundary. La Romanee is a Monopole owned by the Liger-Belair family and is the smallest appellation in France at. 0.8452 hectares producing only 250 to 350 cases each vintage. A wonderful wine with at least 2 decades of cellaring before it reaches its peak. — 5 years ago
Chris Buggy
An @romo recommendation, very pleasant, honey citrus crisp…worth a visit to the finger lakes — 11 days ago