Light and vinegar sour — 6 years ago
Showing beautifully! From Beamsville Bench not too far from my hometown of Detroit. A wondrous geological formation and exceptional terroir for riesling. Minerals, lemon, fennel crunch. — 7 years ago
Smells like blackberry, dried cranberry (that one courtesy of my wife), and milk chocolate. Clearly good quality. Some slight baking spice. And dill? Tastes good! Less blackberry than the nose, a little more cherry and drier than expected. Still some slight dill. Silky. Like it! Killer deal for the $10 I paid (close out) - would be fine at $20. — 3 years ago
Heymann Löwenstein Uhlen Laubach 2017 is a remarkable wine, especially with its modest price. A pronounced, gunpowder/ Crushed stone minerality embedded in a perfectly ripe and nuanced fruit profile. Wonderful presence on the palate with a cut through acidic spine in an athletic surrounding that is marching across the palate in a legion like formation over the finish line. Despite being youthful with a long life ahead its already offers so much pleasure already. — 5 years ago
Pineapple-grapefruit look blasts a big-bubbled white puff with even stacking. Igneous lacing formation churns into Pahoihoi. Grapefruit and pineapple match the drapes, with the pineapple turning jell-o with cream topping. Papaya and mango make the rounds, ripely. Clean palate of zesty lemon wrapped around just ripe mango, and a tangerine thing that rounds it to mango texture. Minerally pineapple suggests a weightless and steely finish, but the lime drops the dime to call it home. Good rotation back to white raspberry! #newbelgium #newbelgiumbrewing #voidooranger #ipa #indiapaleale #newbelgiumvoodoorangernineteeneightyfiveipa #voodoorangernineteeneightyfive #newbelgium1985 #1985ipa #beer #bier #biere #birra #rotatingseriesbeer — 4 years ago
On reconnaît l'expertise de Thelmo Rodriguez. Sa formation dans le bordelais est perceptible. Note de fruits mûrs. Bel équilibre. Tout ce que l'on veut d'un vin. 2004. — 7 years ago
Arcus fruit comes from a notable vineyard due to its formation and hill location. The nose is more opulent and shows depth. Palette displays maraschino cherries, brown sugar and a whiff of tobacco. Perfect tannin/acid balance - no food required. All of these wines will cellar well. — 7 years ago
One of those unicorn wines. Just a unique wine made of blend of varietals. Mostly Cab but some Pinot in there too. 2003 gives it a brickish color. Gorgeous wine with lively fruit and good acidity; lingering on the palate. “Daumas Gassac apparently has a geological formation unique in the Languedoc: chalky, friable, poor in humus, the bits of earth ranging in size from mere grains of sand to little stones, a soil similar in aspect, similar in constitution, to that of the Côte d’Or and the Italian Friuli.” Excerpt from Adventures of The Wine Route. — 3 days ago