Delicious Languedoc Chenin - textural and serious. — 2 years ago
Pretty nice for a $13 cotes-du-rhone, cherry pits, licorice, leather, 2019 — 4 years ago
Beautiful, jammy expression of gamay. Tannins are light. — 8 months ago
Magnificent junction between Burgundy and Beaujolais, with this light red, floral, red fruits, gamay (?) that pinote splendidly. Bright acidity, finely persistent tannins; perfectly the type of wine that my palate loves.
Magnifique croisement entre Bourgogne et Beaujolais, avec ce rouge léger, floral, fruits rouges, gamay (?) qui pinote assurément. Acidité vives, tanins finement persistants; parfaitement le type de vin dont mon palais raffole. — 4 years ago
Wow. Smooth. Interesting — 2 years ago
Excellently toasty almond. Grassy, salty dandelion. — 3 years ago
This is a fun one for me. The winery sits on a limestone outcrop where Charlemagne had a large fortress. His warriors in the Roquetaillade were legendary hardos who famously ate sword tips in their salads. Hilarious!
This red blend is a highly extracted red that needs a lot more time in the bottle to mellow out, but drinks spectacularly once it relaxes. Briar and charred oak, blackberries and dark moody fruit.
The Roquetaillade warriors wouldn’t even need sword tips in this. — 4 years ago
Pyeon ji
Tannin taste yet smooth — 4 months ago