Such finesse. Admirably done. — 10 months ago
Pool wine. — 3 years ago
Grisette Wine Club description:
Wine: Inazio Urruzola Txakolina Rose
Varietal(s): Hondarrabi Zuri
Appellation: Getariako Txakolina, Spain
What I love about it: Spring is here! Last week was such a tease, no? Either way, I see exactly 0 rain and a few days in the 60’s in the 10-day forecast at the moment. This Txakolina (say it with me, Cha-Coh-Lee-Nuh, doesn’t it sound like it would be Buddy the Elf’s favorite word?) from Basque country screams for warm weather and patio chillin. Ever-so-slightly effervescent, salty raspberries, crisp green apple, minerality for days, so fresh and so alive! For ultra authentic drinking, drink it out of a poron (watch some youtube vids). Extra credit for being able to guzzle while pouring with a fully extended arm!
Drink with while listening to: Sunshine and a platter of fruit and basque. Walking on Broken Glass, Annie Lennox — 4 years ago
Outstanding! great balance between hops, fruit, smoothness and bitterness — 2 months ago
A tribute to the crest called Rattlesnake Hill, highest point of Monte Rosso Vineyard, famous for rattlesnakes living among the vines, seeking sunshine by day and coiling around the vines at night. Dark Ruby with aromas of berry fruits, tangy herb, pepper and sweet spice. On the palate flavors of blackberry and ripe cherry with black pepper spice, vanilla and earthy sweet herbs. Soft chewy tannins, medium+ finish ending with fruit, spice and earthy oak. Nice! — 8 months ago
deli…light :) — 5 months ago
Delicious and gorgeous. Very pale yellow. Originally smells of toasted coconut and honeysuckle but morphs into a lightly buttered and salted popcorn. Tropical flavors with a briney edge. Bone dry, almost puckering. Very happy with this. — 2 years ago
Will Stanley
Third and final time trying the 2017 Condrieu ‘La Petite Côte’ from Yves Cuilleron, a wine I first tried in 2020 and described then as ‘liquid sunshine’. At seven/eight years of age, it might not be quite as stunning as it was on that first occasion, but it’s still a gorgeous, joyful wine full of Amalfi lemon, white flowers and nectarine, with an oily, waxy texture and lovely bitterness on the finish. Definitely better young, but holding up nicely, and I’d buy this again. — a month ago