Hint of chocolate at the finish... Well balanced and smooth... definitely will have this one again! #devilscollection — 9 years ago
Ao abrir e ao cheirar a rolha, fruas vermelhas, amora e framboesa! Ao sentir o aroma na taça, leve cheiro amargo, alcoolico no inicio! Deixei respirar um pouco! Taninos presentes caracteristicos de um Cabernet, suavidade dos Carmenere! Frutado, com leve toque de madeira! Bem elaborado, mas acredito que se deixar em guarda por uns 2 a 3 anos evolua bem! Ainda tem que evoluir um pouco! Fruited, redberry and raspyberry. Little bitter smell, acohoolic smell! Need to breath a little! Oak notes! Tanin present caracteristic os Cabernet! Smoothness os Camernere! Weel done, but I think that could be in reserve for 2 or 3 years! It could evolve! #casillerodeldiablo #chile #chileno #chile #devilscollection #devil #conchaytoro #redwine #vino #vinho #vinhotinto #winelover #wines #casillero — 10 years ago
David Kline
Orange blossom honey golden, with a tall frothy peak of just, off-white that hangs like merengues. Toasty orange-vanilla wafers and a subtle lemon-poppyseed muffin, tangerine and squash tort are evoked, but nothing screaming from the glass. Usually, these Double IPAs are almost too aggressive, in fact I had the same beer several days ago (setting is everything: the drinking gestaltqualität) and felt raked over the hop coals. But this one is so different it warrants the full inspection. The grippy IPA entry has grapefruit and lemon pith, a peppercorn lick, limeade, and pine. Initially round it dries to briny crystals. There will be no scurvy on this ship awash in its citric swells! #stonebrewery #doubleipa #ipa #indiapaleale #devilscollection — 8 years ago