xmas 2024 wine 8 — 2 months ago
A unicorn of a wine. Pinot Meunière better known as a blending grape in Champagne is presented here as a dry red from very old vines at Bests in Western Victoria. These vines were planted in the 1860’s by Henry Best. They are considered to be the oldest of this variety in Australia and possibly the world. The wine itself is mid Ruby in colour. Light to medium bodied but full to profound intensity - the best combination. All in perfect balance both aromatically and on the palate. A lovely complex blend of spicy aromas - hard to be specific Many tasters might miss the subtlety of this wine. I absolutely love it and today I received an email from Bests releasing the 2023 Old Vine Pinot Meunière. I don’t buy much wine these days but I didn’t hesitate to buy 3 bottles today. Best’s don’t make it every year. The perfect wine with Roast Chicken. Huon Hooke described this wine as “gobsmacking “ and gave it 98 points. — 6 months ago
Syrupy texture with pear and rock fruit (not sweet) beginnings transitioning into a rich masculine structure. — 14 days ago
Magnificent. — 2 months ago
Bin 0 has been made continuously since the 1890’s and was regarded as the premium Shiraz from Bests until they introduced the Thomson Family Shiraz (first made in 1992). A Thomson Family Shiraz was not produced in 2009 so the best Shiraz from the estate went into this wine. The colour was a very dense Ruby. Dusty dried plums on the nose together with black pepper and spices. The palate has latent energy - self contained power, yet to reveal all of itself but remains opulent. Amazing how good this wine is considering the late heatwave conditions in this vintage in the Grampians. Possibly saved by the inclusion of old vine material from the 1860s which would normally go into the Thomson Family Shiraz. A great wine, still with a long future, easily through to the end of this decade. My first of 3. Next in a few years 2027? — 6 months ago
From kabinett wine bar in the 💯 block by #eastonpa free bridge, and so good!! Not sure why your app does not have Kabinett wine bar on its locations; need to add that for sure! — 10 months ago
Meaty, charcuterie notes together with black and blue fruits. The palate is rich and savoury - full bodied on the earthy spectrum with ripe plum. Bests are an under the radar Gem in the Grampians. It should be a regular purchase particularly at the price. An average price of around $30. — 10 months ago
Yan Gagnon
1001 Vins qu'il faut avoir bus. Une robe dense rubis avec une touche violet. Un nez de chocolat, des bleuets et du poivre. Une bouche puissante aux saveurs d'épices, de poivre, du chocolat. La finale est longue mais légèrement grossière. 14,5% bien senti. Provenant de différents lots du vignoble granitique de Mount Langi Ghiran dans le secteur de Grampians dans le Victoria. — 17 days ago