Отличный Представитель французского вкуса. В меру кислотный, в меру танинный и, главное, легкое вино для изысканного обеда. Например как дополнение к мясу по-бургундски. — 3 years ago
Steak and grilled potatoes. Nice fruit. Smooth finish. — 4 years ago
Well, what an overachiever this wine is! Mayne Lalande, a little known chateau in Listrac-Médoc, and a bottle which I picked up for a humble price at auction around a year ago. It’s fresh, sappy, delicious and positively refreshing at 12% abv. I wish I had more of this. A joyous rendition of old left-bank Bordeaux. — 4 months ago
Good blend cab merlot typical of region good value good rabbis to valence the fruit. Needed some time to open — 4 years ago
The 2011, absurdly good, the structure was woven and perfect, and the combination of red fruit and richness and earthiness was absolutely heaven.  — 5 months ago
Loved this. My #1 pick in recent blind tasting. Great for price point, bought a case. — 2 years ago
80% Marsanne and 20% Roussanne from vineyards in the small, not widely known Saint-Péray appellation south of Cornas and across the River from Valence. Vines are about 20 years old, rooted in decomposed granite and clay soil. Fermented and aged in oak barrels for 11 months. Fragrant, complex nose with aromas of pear skin, tropical fruit, citrus (tangerine) and minerals. Medium-bodied, quite opulent, but also fresh and mineral. Some citrus flavors — 3 years ago
Emelia Orke
Medium bodied smooth. Great drinker — 3 months ago