Very smooth and good quality German schwarzbier. Nice roasted malts and hints of dark chocolate in taste and aroma.
To be enjoyed with food or simply on its own. — a year ago
White frothy top lifts, lilts and dissipates to mega-amoeba with ghost eyes. Active snow melt lacing. Honey and potato bread nose faintest apple bread and cotton seed. Sun-dried orange and dried lemon peels. Peonies. Sweet malty vs. acidic citrus interplay is more dance than dichotomy. Reminiscent of less than sweet lemon icing, but glacial and mineral, and intensely bracing, Brazil nut, hazelnut and sunflower seed, milled oats and orange bread. Complex, spritely, decorative, expansive and as easy to drink as iced tea, only more refreshing !
#meinegrosseliebe #helles #hellesbier #seit1680 #hellesbierausbayern #bayern #beer #bier #bière #cerveza #privatbrauereiHEgerer #HEgerer #Egerer #HEgererbrauerei — 2 years ago
Die Königin des Feuers Helles
Privatbrauerei Eichbaum
Manheim Deutschland
Foamtastic snowy egret cloud suspended above palest straw translucence. Puffs of lemon pffts of lime, inter-dimensional remnants of green olive, rice cracker nez. Zest dusted dinner roll stuffed with brioche, pancake batter and Meyer lemon. Tasty, clean queen, with a refreshing sheen.
#PrivatbrauereiEichbaum #DieKönigindesFeuers #Helles #germanbeer #deutschebier #bier #beer #biere #birra #cerveza — 3 months ago
Wiener Lager. POW pow wow! Thick spongey head that crackles down to wax cup coffee residue atop a urine green. Pop pop pop. Pig-in-a-blanket toast and dough nose. Lime zest. Steely and iron mineral follows lemon zest and oils, beer-ness and does the ample refreshing.
#wienerlager #hegerer #beer #bier #birra #cerveza #lager — 2 years ago
It’s going to be a hell of a month, culminating in hell week so, let’s keep things light! Or, auf Deutsch: hell. Let us roll in the hay on our very first day! Straw and clean wheat kernel, sesame seed and sunflower, a tiny spot of sugar dropped on light toast. Hell. The palate suggests a bread that is both and neither pausbröt nor cracker. Our sesame stands slightly toasted, and our bread is now zested with clean lemon citrus, but just for color. Just right for first night and ever so light!
#schnitzlbaumer #privatbrauerei #chiemgauerbiertradition #lager #lagerbierhell #hell #traunstein #bier #beer #bière #cerveza — 2 years ago
Privatbrauerei Eichbaum ‘Der Kletterer’ rot lager (red lager)
Galactic white milkshake pate tinged with faintest pink. Wall-solid lacing with wreathing. Shortcake nose with strawberry suggestions, wheat bran muffin batter; pecans. Strawberry pith persistences, wheat germ, pretzel bun, fig, on the palate boasting one tiny drop of balsamic between caramels.
#PrivatbrauereiEichbaum #Eichbaumrotlager #redlager #deutschland #deutschebier #bier #lager #beer #birra #cerveza — 3 months ago
A very nice German beer from a brewery I have not tried before. Based in Chemnitz in Saxony, the brewery offers a number of beers all based on traditional recipes adhering to the German purity laws.
This Zwickelbier is very smooth with an amber colour. It is bottle fermented so slightly cloudy. Good balance of hops and malts, making it a very pleasant drink. — a year ago
Delicious! Dark and malty with a very subtle dark jam flavor. Will be getting more — 7 years ago
Clearly clove in taste. Nice whitebeer. #heeferweisse — 7 years ago
David Kline
Coffee black-brown with auburn glinting, cappuccino crema swirled tête. Weasel vs Mantis lacing with crawdad implications. Reishi mushroom and wood ear nose emanate as lace turns to cosmic fox. Palate is browned wheat roll, and pecans with lemon zest. Nutty and refreshing.
#eibauer #eibauerschwarzbier #schwartzbier #reinheitsgebot #privatbrauereieibauer #deutschebier #deutschland #bier #biere #birra #cerveza — a month ago