Great cab to enjoy with a grilled steak — 10 years ago
The final bottle of the case. This wine is now darker and smokier on the nose with less of the blue fruit and more of the stewed black fruits. The palate still has wonderful acidity but is far less lush. Flavors of wet earth mingle with darker stewed plum and blackberries and lead to a bit of a shorter finish that shows a touch more puckering acidity. — 7 years ago
It has been 2 weeks and I can still taste this wine. One of my all time favorite Syrahs. Between their Folly and Purple Angel, Montes' has moved towards the top of my favorite vintner list. Thanks for the treat Doc L — 9 years ago
Awesome. Bready. Good apple pear and bubbles. Some minerality. — 3 years ago
Delicious and still great structure. Dads birthday wine — 5 years ago
Delightful stone fruit and cream soda on the nose. Nectarines, star fruit, lemon rind and a hint of rose water.
Paired well with a beet pate
— 8 years ago
Emily Akers
Really delicious and quite rich pure cab sauv - generously given at cost price (half price) at Home and very perfect for an umami flavoured meal.. a treat! — 2 months ago