Twice this venomous viper has evaded review. She jumps out and thrashes, coils round and inculcates. A devil of a bite too! Seductive, deceptive nose of caramel creme, rosemary, bay leaf and cinnamon roll. Palatal acupuncture ensues, as you slowly succumb to the hot cinnamon oil and scotch bonnet burn of the first phase. Phase two brings cinnamon and grilled peach with brown sugar cobbles and scotch bonnet honey. And finally the nose and close converge in satin vanilla, cinnamon, cracked black pepper and ginger. .
#willett #willettrye #willettfamily #willettfamilysmallbatch #willettdistillery #smallbatch #smallbatchwhiskey #Kentuckywhiskey #Kyrye #ryewhiskey #rye #rarerelease #estatebottled — 4 years ago
Applewood, poached pear, maple syrup and pecans with black lime, ginger lemon-honey, orange bitters, rosemary, baked sweet potatoes oozing créme fraîche, brown sugar and caramel. It’s a noseful! Hot, herbaceous mouthful on the coat. Warm maduro-caramel turns noir in the slanted chiaroscuros of toffee and brittle, respectively. Big lemon citrus with orange zest, banana bread, sage, allspice, mace, cedar, pipe tobacco puff, black raisin, with a svelte acid streak running the length of a generous satin mouthfeel. Impossible value here. Complex notes from the mash make this sparkle with edgy notes of bottled lightning. #Michters #Michterssmallbatch #Michterssmallbatchsourmash #Michterssourmash #whiskey #Anericanwhiskey #KYwhiskey #ky #fermentedmash #upcycledmash #mash #louisvilleky #Michtersdistillery — 5 years ago
Enjoying this way too much to write thorough notes. Creamed corn, golden delicious apple (fresh and dried), beeswax, chamomile, hay. flinty , saline finish. Fresh AF for an ‘06. Don’t want it to end. Had one of those food and wine pairing serendipity moments having this wine alongside maitake tempura in a ponzu dipping sauce where everything just clicked 🤯! — 4 years ago
Earthy and mushroom-y. Ate with ribs, Mac and cheese, corn casserole. Bought at Whole Foods. — 4 years ago
Full body yet fairly smooth finish. Paired with Asian beef bowl & rice, corn on cob, and sautéed asparagus too. — 4 years ago
Conrad Green

Cool line and steel. Salinity and sweet corn notes. A touch musty — 7 months ago